Lafayette Recreational Park, Los Angeles, CA

I usually play some pickup basketball games with my high school friends. Our go-to place is at Lafayette Recreational Center in downtown Los Angeles. After a game of three on three, I conducted a couple of interviews and observed the surrounding area.

There are two full-outdoor courts in the park and one indoor court. The two outside courts are available for everyone and are catered for public use. Usually, these courts are played in one side depending on the number of players. The half-courts are played with three versus three, two versus two or one on one pickup games. When there is abundance of people enough to play a full five on five basketball game, both sides of the full-court are utilized to play a full game.

There is no time limit or shot clock on pickup games. The games usually end and run up to whatever the arranged game point is—It typically ranges from 11 to 21. The scores are typically tracked mentally and by honesty. This sometimes results some inconsistencies throughout the scores, and thus, affecting the game. No one also tracks the player’s statistics as well. In that sense, the player’s individual points, rebounds and assists are incalculable.

A typical pickup game would be played by a group of friends, and in some instances, would play with other bystanders in the court so everyone can play. But as I observed, this is not a comfortable practice for everyone. Some of the players may be reluctant to play other people they don’t know due to intimidation factor and/or unfamiliarity. Seeing another team with taller and more physique players can intimidate a casual group of people who just want to get a sweat in.

The indoor court is accessible to the public as well but has only for a very limited time. The court can be rented for roughly $100 an hour and is usually occupied throughout the entire weekend. The waitlist for scheduling can take up to months, considering you would have enough people available in roster to play by the time your schedule is up.

Being invited to these games also mean you are somewhat affiliated with a group of people, and thus, there is a level of security and comfortability with other players that you don’t get playing with complete strangers.

The indoor court is vastly better than its outdoor counterpart. Clean hardwood floors, air-conditioned, all rims have nets and well-maintained, well-lit room and being indoors means you have some privacy.

An indoor pickup game typically has a full roster of five on five using both sides of the court. These games give you a more immersive experience to the game. And since it’s still a casual pickup game, the scores are typically only tracked mentally, and no one tracks the player’s statistics.

Louie Constantino